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Transtrack Systems, Inc.

Contact: Susann Poggioli
265 Belmont Avenue Long Beach CA 90803 Phone: 319-361-0007 Website: Transtrack Systems, Inc.
Photo of Transtrack Systems, Inc.

Biographical Info

TransTrack’s internet-based reporting software turns volumes of data into strategic, operational and management information for optimal transit. Our products and ongoing expert support give customers the analytics and confidence to make informed decisions about safety, human resources, fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.

The TransTrack Story

TransTrack started in 2002 as a consulting and reporting tool provider that helped transit agencies work smarter and save money by streamlining business processes. The TransTrack Manager software integrates multiple data sources to calculate cost per mile, cost per hour and cost per passenger for all transit services. The tool also helps to keep agencies compliant with the U.S. National Transit Database reporting requirements.

In 2017, TransTrack joined the Modaxo group to expand across the U.S. and benefit from broader insight into the market. The acquisition of StarTran Software LLC, in 2020, has added Enterprise Asset Management solutions for parts and facilities inventory, scheduling, work orders and warranty tracking.

What We Believe

  • In providing excellence in consulting and reporting capabilities for our clients.
  • Being one team committed to customer satisfaction and sharing best practices makes all the difference.
  • Business intelligence helps transit agencies move people safely and efficiently.
  • In caring for our employees, our clients and our communities, and improving the mobility that ties us together.
Categories: All Members, Associate Members
Updated 10 months ago.