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Sun Metro (El Paso)

Contact: Ellen Smyth
10151 Montana Ave. El Paso TX 79925 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2037 El Paso TX 79950 Phone: 915-533-1220 Website: Sun Metro
Photo of Sun Metro (El Paso)

Biographical Info

About Us

Customer Service Hours

Daily: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

The mission of Sun Metro is to connect our El Paso community through high quality transit services. Sun Metro recognizes that serving the public is our reason for existing and will strive to do whatever possible to assure our public a pleasant experience. Sun Metro also recognizes that our employees are our greatest resource in providing our services and that all our efforts to achieve success is dependent on the dedication, initiative and creativity of each individual in performing his/her job, and that our services improve as our efforts improve.

  1. Be involved in the community and responsive to its transportation needs, implementing and planning for creative solutions whenever possible.
  2. Provide a range of innovative, yet financially responsible transportation services.
  3. Pursue all revenue generating opportunities that benefit the transit system.
  4. Encourage and reward employee participation in improving our public transit system.
  5. Provide a productive and safe working environment which fosters initiative and creativity to the part of Sun Metro by rewarding individual achievement and performance.
  6. Provide training and education which mutually supports the goals of Sun Metro and its employees.
Categories: All Members, Metro Transit Agencies
Updated 10 months ago.