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City of Del Rio

Contact: Jesus Urbano
100 Ogden Del Rio TX 78840 Home Phone: 830-703-5324 Website: City of Del Rio – Transportation
Photo of City of Del Rio

Biographical Info

City of Del Rio Transportation has been administered by the City of Del Rio since 1980. The City of Del Rio Transportation receives funding from the Texas Department of Transportation for the various services it provides. Funding is based on formula funds, competitive funds, and rider fees.

Utilizing 10 vehicles the City of Del Rio Transportation Program provides curb-to-curb demand response transportation services in the Val Verde County area six (6) days a week to the elderly, disabled, and general public of the community. The program also provides out-of-town medical transportation services. Out-of-town travel is to San Antonio, San Angelo, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde, Monday through Friday.

Transportation services are used primarily for regular doctor’s visits. However, many clients depend on the service to seek and attend employment, leisure trips, educational trips, visits to the local nutrition center, and other social activities.

The City of Del Rio Transportation Department also offers a fixed route system of transportation. The fixed route consist of 26 different stops within the City of Del Rio which include most medical facilities, social service agencies and major retail centers. The fixed route runs from 6 AM – 5:45 PM, Monday – Friday.

First Stop: International Bridge at 6:06 AM
Last Stop: Dollar Store on Spur 239 at 5:40 PM

For questions, please call (830) 774-8690.

Categories: All Members, Rural Transit Agencies