301 S 8th Street
TX 76701
Title: ADA: Do I Have to Do That? (in-person, 1-day)
Date: August 26, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location: Waco Transit Administration Building, 301 South 8th Street, Waco, Tx 76701
Instructor: Carol Wright Kenderdine, Carol Wright Consulting
Description: The FTA’s rules regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act sometimes leaves people who work in public transportation with a lot of questions. “Do I have to do that?” is one of the most common questions we hear when people ask us to help them interpret the regulations and to better understand the ADA as it pertains to public transportation. The course covers understanding the rules for Reasonable Modification and its impact on the provision of ADA transportation service. The workshop will help you sort out what you have to do and what you don’t! We will discuss policies and processes for implementation and give examples designed to demonstrate how to make case-by-case decisions about granting reasonable modifications to passengers with disabilities. We will also talk about Reasonable Accommodations that may need to be made when you hire individuals with disabilities or when you need to make accommodations for employees on the job. You will learn what the ADA requires you to do and simple solutions for making determinations on reasonable accommodations. Recent lawsuits will be described to assist participants in knowing what you have to do, and when accommodation requests go too far.
Additional Topics include:
- Understanding the paratransit experience from the customer’s perspective
- Call Wait Times
- Various disability categories and the impact of disability on an individual’s functional ability
- Practical tips on serving customers with disabilities (including sensitivity training and communication techniques)
- Understanding the role of Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)
- Service Animals
- De-escalation techniques
- Providing reasonable assistance to help passengers board, alight, navigate difficult terrain with their wheelchair, and other onboard assistance
- Understanding how the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) intersect with your agency’s policies
There will be plenty of time for group discussion and questions and answers pertinent to your particular agency. Come and find out, “What DO I have to do?”