CTAA’s EXPO is the premier annual event for community and public transportation professionals to participate in essential learning events and network with colleagues. Speakers and sessions will keep attendees up to date with innovative technology, workforce development, communication strategies, funding, and regulations. The EXPO also features a trade show with all of the latest community transportation goods and services.
There are a lot of elements that comprise the EXPO. These include:
The National Community Transportation Roadeo: where drivers from across the country compete to see who is the best.
Conference Intensive Sessions: One, two, or three-day long sessions where an individual topic is explored in depth.
Mobility Management Day: One day set aside for mobility managers to gather, learn, and discuss the latest trends in the mobility management field.
General Sessions: Informative sessions with a focus on new developments and initiatives.
Workshop Sessions: Shorter sessions geared to brining participants the knowledge and expertise they need to thrive in today’s changing environment.
Trade Fair: he largest annual trade show in the community transportation industry.
Networking: The EXPO has many social events, meals and other opportunities for participants to meet with and learn from their peers.