TTA’s 2024-2025 Legislative Committee:
Interested in participating in Legislative Committee meetings? All are welcome! Reach out to the committee and let them know you are interested or email Allen Hunter at Allen@TxTransit.org.
The TTA Legislative Committee is working on establishing our statewide legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Please take a moment to complete a brief legislative priority survey to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all our members.
Your input is crucial in helping us shape our priorities and advocate effectively on your behalf. Please provide your feedback by clicking the link below.

Make sure to invite legislators and staff you meet with to attend the Ice Cream Social and Evening Reception.
TxDOT Legislative Appropriations Request
Legislative Update:
Texas Legislature Online
To research bills and for updates on legislative actions, please visit Texas Legislature Online.
Find your State Representative and State Senator
Enter your address to find who represents you in the legislature.
Contacting Congress
Phone numbers, mailing addresses, and how to schedule a meeting.